System Evaluation

After the models were finalized, the hyperparameters of the classifiers and vectorizers were tuned for optimum accuracy using the pipelining method in Scikit-learn. The classification reports of final chosen models for Sinhala, Tamil and English are depicted in TABLE XV.

The performance of the finalized binary classification models was evaluated using the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve in Fig 3, Fig 4. and Fig 5, which display the graphical relationships among the metrics shown in TABLE XIV. With the use of ‘Area Under the Curve’ measure, from Fig 1, Fig 2. and Fig 3, it can be observed that the performance of the classifiers is greater than the classifiers with no power.
Fig. 1. Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve of the model for Sinhala.

Fig. 2. Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve of the model for Tamil.

                              Fig. 3.  Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve of the model for English. 

The Precision vs Recall curve can be used to measure the quality of the output generated by the classifiers. Using the AUC measure, it can be concluded that the classifier is returning accurate results and majority results are positive. It can be clearly seen from Fig 4, Fig 5 and Fig 6.

Fig. 4. Precision vs Recall Curve of the model for Sinhala.

Fig. 5. Precision vs Recall Curve of the model for Tamil.Add caption

Fig. 6. Precision vs Recall Curve of the model for English

Classification reports of final chosen multi-class models for Sinhala, Tamil and English is shown in TABLE XVI

Normalized confusion matrix for the finalized Multi-class model for Sinhala is shown in TABLE XVII

Normalized confusion matrix for the finalized Multi-class model for Tamil is shown in TABLE XVIII

Normalized confusion matrix for the finalized Multi-class model for English is shown in TABLE XIX.

The testing of the system was done with a set of a few people of age within 25 to 30 and found an overall positive response on their experience with the system.


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