A system for Automatic Audio Replacement of Objectionable Content for Sri Lankan Locale!

In today's world, audiovisual media plays a significant role in impacting the society at large. The media content a person is exposed to naturally affects the way he thinks and behaves. Hence, it is important to pay attention towards the content of media. In the present, majority of the audiovisual media content which people watch or listen to, undeniably features some form of objectionable content, such as hate speech, crude language, ethnic and racial slurs, which none of us, should be exposed to. Identifying this issue, several parties all around the world have made several recorded attempts to resolve this problem through various implementations with the use of various technologies. Yet, the above mentioned issue remains as an issue unaddressed for us here in Sri Lanka, since all those parties have focused their concern mainly on English Language. Sri Lanka is a country, which is well known for its rich cultural and traditional values. O ver 15 million people, whi...